Integrated management system


Information to suppliers and subcontractors

We inform you that in accordance with our Integrated Management System (Quality, Environment and Safety and Health at work) we subject our suppliers to periodic evaluation and control, according to the following criteria:

Compliance with the established delivery conditions: Deadlines, price, quality

History of good service

Updating of the documentation legally required of the supplier/subcontractor according to the service provided (documentation prevention of occupational risks, relevant administrative authorizations ...)

BARPIMO, S.A. has at the disposal of interested parties who request them, information on environmental performance.

To request it, you must send an e-mail to the mail indicating environmental data that is requested and reason why they are requested. In the shortest possible time BARPIMO, S.A. will respond to requests

To request it, you must send an e-mail to the mail indicating environmental data that is requested and reason why they are requested. In the shortest possible time BARPIMO, S.A. will respond to requests.

The evaluation of suppliers is carried out at least annually, although a continuous control will be maintained over the provision of the service, taking into account the possible incidents that arise, their impact on our provision of the service and the satisfaction of our customers.

Serious and/or repeated incidents may result in the removal of the supplier from our database of approved suppliers in the event that the supplier does not establish effective corrective actions.

We indicate that you have at your disposal our Integrated Management Policy on the Web:

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